Gooning Mistress Rachel

Skype: EnchantrixRachel
It’s delicious to meet a masturbator who gets more out of the strokes themselves than out of ejaculation. He finds ejaculation anticlimactic, and craves the repeated tantric shivers and erotic desperation that comes from consistently staving it off. And for his devotion, sometime down the line, he may be rewarded with a physical and psychological release far more powerful than a mere cumshot:
The involuntary, full-body-trembling, slack-jawed, cockeyed, drooling ecstacy of goonspace.
I am available to encourage you to chase that goonspace. To be the willing spirit when yours fails, and tempts you to give in to the weak flesh. To whisper in your ear, “No, you don’t need to ejaculate.”
I will reassure you with the knowledge that in fact, you have orgasms all the time. Because for a gooner, edges are orgasms. And they’re all you need.
Now you should know, gooner, that you may not find with Me the same type of encouragement you may have become accustomed to seeing in much of the standard gooner porn out there. I’ve noticed a prevailing theme out there with which I simply don’t hold–that you should ruin your life via gooning. That you are a loser because you goon, and to encourage it is to encourage you to degrade yourself and your life. That you should sacrifice your relationships, your job, your sanity, your very wellbeing, for the pleasure of gooning.
This is not the messaging you will get from Me. This type of messaging doesn’t interest Me. I believe that gooning can and should elevate your life, and improve the quality of your erotic experience. You’ve been masturbating forever, and perhaps have lost the wonder of it all in the rote, mechanical, means-to-an-end experience it has become. Gooning can help you remember what a pleasure it is. What an honor it is.
And what a commitment it can be.
Porn is an okay tool to support your gooning habit, but I believe a relationship built with a sexy, dominant, strict but understanding woman who can actually speak to you, know you deeply, and care about your success is much better.
If you are reading this and thinking, “THIS is what’s been missing from My gooning practice. THIS is what I’ve been looking for”, know that I have also been waiting for you.
Come and goon for Me.